Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fucking Weirdos...

OK. So awhile back, I got this note on my door from this little girl named Lily (age 7). It was a no smoking sign. Now, no smoking signs I can deal with. Big deal... Who says I smoke anyway? COFF!

Today, I went to the post office and was gone for maybe...hmm..20 minutes. If that, to be honest. There was no queue and I zipped in and out in no time. When I got home, I came to find a new note PINNED to my door. Now, the first thing that ran through my mind was Homer Simpson strangling little Bart, except it was my hands around little Lily's throat. But alas...nooo... On closer inspection, I realised it wasn't from Lily at all. It was poorly written and it looked a lot more like someone who was an adult tried a little too hard to make it look like it was from a child. This wasn't Lily... Nope.

The little piece of paper PINNED to my door with what looked like a little sewing pin, said "I see your knickers." Admittedly, last night I ran across the living room naked with the window open, BUT all of the lights were off and NO ONE could've POSSIBLY seen me. Also the spelling on it was terrible, which makes me worry if this is an adult. It said "I see you're nickers" Yes... I'd be embarrassed to post that on someone's front fucking door, wouldn't you?

I was going to let this go, but to be honest it's quite dodgy and quite disconcerting. I mean, who the hell is looking in my window often enough to see my knickers, anyway? And if they DID see me run across my flat at 4:00am with no clothes on, would they seriously pin a note to my door about it? I ended up phoning the police and reporting the note. So maybe that seems just a little anal, but the police found it a bit disconcerting as well. So now we wait. Hopefully no more notes will appear but the notes have been saved and I'm hoping it was just a prank by some stupid kids in the neighborhood.




  1. Lotsa sickos out there, I would of reported it to the police too

  2. Mweep... That's freaky. I hope its someone you know playing a joke. Anything else is disconcerting.

  3. But.... I just thought you should know I've seen your knickers... didn't mean to cause a panic. If it's that bothersome to you I'll fly on over and remove all the spy cameras from your house and neighborhood. Geesh... some people....

  4. Very weird indded. I'm glad you went to the cops.

  5. WTF! Page design?
