Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I am SOOOOO......

....absolutely, positively, excruciatingly, BORED. I mean, think about it. You're home and sick... What is there to do? You have TV, but I'm sorry, daytime TV in the UK is quite SHIT. Then you have your laptop or desktop, whatever, a fucking computer, and even that doesn't seem to do the trick because you KNOW you have nothing else to do. How many times do we get wrapped up in soem stupid online game for HOURS when we have tons of stuff to do.

I'm a great procrastinator. I'm an awesome procrastinator. In fact, I did all of my packing in one day when I left NY. We're talking a whole Goddamn apartment. I don't think we can forgtet for a second that I'm female and have tons of CRAP everywhere. But try fitting all of your things from your home into two suitcases. Whatever, I'm off topic.

When I know I have something to do, I find other shit to do so that I can avoid the dreaded task at hand. But sitting here, home and sick, I can't find a damn thing to do. I've literally had to stop myself from just staring at the walls for hours at a time. I sat and watched a blue screen on tv today for about 20 minutes. And no...I'm not kidding. So if anyone still reads this fucking blog, HELP!!! Someone give me something other than something stupid like Farmville. I know some serious Farmville addicts. Oh! Plus, I'm also looking for new tunes. I need some new shit in my ipod. I listen to a little of everything so any suggestins would be great. But first thing's first... how to pass a sick day....week...month. Ech.


  1. Scrapbookiiiiing!!!
    How bout beading?
    Write a book?

  2. LOL I was so going to say you should play Farmville, that's a great time waster but I guess you don't want to hear that :)

  3. Well... let's see.

    What about something like World of Warcraft?

    Or some quick online games?

  4. No farmville and NEVER World of Warcraft. I know far too many people who have been sucked in and never spit out.

  5. Painting might require actually spending money on something that I don't already have. Again Malach strikes out...

  6. "...people who have been sucked in..."

    Then they shouldn't have been playing in the first place.

  7. Hmmm.... I generally just sift through internet porn when I'm not playing World of Warcraft....

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  10. And as for internet porn, I think that's more of a man sport.

  11. Read a book? There's plenty on the bookshelves I'm sure.

  12. When I went to England, which seems like forever ago now (I was a teenager), I went on a tremendous tour. If you can, see Stonehenge (when I went there, I also went to Shakespeare's house), The British Museum, The Imperial War Museum, Hever castle (http://www.hevercastle.co.uk/), The Tower of London, The lanes in Brighton, the old people on the beach in Eastbourne, The Millennium Wheel (wasn't built yet when I was there), Oxford, The Thames, Westminster Abbey (Sir Isaac Newton), Buckingham, Windsor, and all the other stuff I can't remember.

    My favorite show there airs re-runs on a TV station called "Dave". It's called Top Gear, and if you could get the presenters autographs for me I would be willing to do many things, even sexual favors (though I doubt you'd want those).

    I've moved as well, and as I believe you know my name, feel free to look me up and drop me a line.

  13. ^should have put "just a guy" at the bottom of that.

  14. http://www.bbc.co.uk/topgear/

    just an okay guy

  15. Red, why read books when there's internet? I have 100's of blogs to catch up on... then again, haven't been reading them either. No idea how people keep finding my page.

    Just a guy, If you're the same ok guy I remember, holy shit. I can't believe you still check my blog. Tell you what... normally I don't post any kind of messenger links, but if you're still on Yahoo, heroin.girl pops on from time to time. Feel free to IM during the week. Weekends are pretty much taboo.

    Man Over, I do have blog posts on the brain but since I've been sick, it all ends up coming out just a bit too whiny for my taste. My blog has never been a bitchy moany blog, so I'm trying to keep it lighter. Maybe I'll open a secret one somewhere else for the whiny shit.

  16. If you're not going to blog while you're sick, then you should at least be writing this journey down. You can blog it all when your perspective changes.

  17. Same ok guy, but not on Yahoo. I think you'll find that I added you anyways.

  18. Denguy, I have been writing, well, typing all kinds of shit that goes on in my mind while I'm "recovering" so-to-speak. Thing is, very little of it has to do with what's going on now. A lot of it is the apst and shit that's been coming up. I think once I'm completely better, well, I HOPE once I'm better, I'll have better things to blog about than being sick.

    Anon, I added you on Yahoo. I'm definitely curious as to what the happenings have been since we last spoke. It's been about 2 years, I think...
